Dear Julie, A Letter to myself after receiving the diagnosis of Avascular Necrosis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Dear Julie – An AVN Diagnosis Letter

Avascular Necrosis. WTF?! Like, what the hell. I didn’t even know bone could DIE?! THAT’S A THING?! WHATTTT!? For the past few months, you KNEW something was wrong. Something was off. There was no reason you should have been in that much pain. Yet, your healthcare team told you otherwise. “Oh, you’ve just overdone it …

Dating on Disability | Are you at a disadvantage since you're on 'disability'? Will people judge you? | | Spoonie Health Coach

Why Was One Of The Best Things I’ve Done On Disability

[su_note note_color=”#f3fafe” text_color=”#1e1818″ radius=”16″] Before you read, you should know: I actually wrote this post over 2 months ago and have been reluctant to post it. At first I thought I didn’t want to post it because of the whole embarrassing stigma of online dating. Then I thought I didn’t want to post it because …

Chai Seeds & Salmon - Anti-Inflammatory - Helping to manage inflammation while off of fish oil

Why Chia Seeds & Salmon Helped While I Was Off Fish Oil

Fish oil is a natural blood thinner and before any procedure a doctor will usually advise you to stop taking it. I never realized how much benefit I was getting from taking so much fish oil. I knew it definitely helped my inflammation, but overall I never realized how much it helped me feel better. …

Humira Withdrawal

Headed into my Regenexx Stem Cell Procedure next week, there are really 2 things that pose a threat to the success of the procedure. 1. My remissioned complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) 2. My autoimmunity I’ve really been taking extra caution these last few weeks to get these two things in line. I DO NOT want them …

Medication: Neurontin Update

As I mentioned in this post, I’ve been weening off of Neurontin and guess what?! I’m finally off of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This time last year I was on 9 different medications. Now I’m down to 4 currently, 5 once I start back up on my blood thinners. But I’m heading in the right direction! YAY YAY …

Weaning Off Neurontin

Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. WWWOOOOOWWWWWWWW Throughout my life I’ve been on and off different medications. There are a few times where I had to slowly ween off of a certain drug to make sure I appropriately detoxed it from my system. Usually it was a pretty painless experience and if I did have a side …

Medication: Ativan

One of my ex’s used to tell me to try his ativan when I would get a stomach ache. It was a test to see if I was getting stomach aches because of anxiety. Unfortunately, the pill just made me tired and didn’t take away my stomach ache. Last year, when my nerves were severely …