Why Chia Seeds & Salmon Helped While I Was Off Fish Oil

Fish oil is a natural blood thinner and before any procedure a doctor will usually advise you to stop taking it. I never realized how much benefit I was getting from taking so much fish oil. I knew it definitely helped my inflammation, but overall I never realized how much it helped me feel better.

Since stopping my Humira, my body was doing pretty good just on my supplements. This week thought, without the fish oil, my joints have been much more achy and stiff. That all changes once I have some chia seeds and wild caught salmon.
In a previous post, I talked about Omega 3’s & Omega 6’s, but here is how these two foods break down:

Chia Seeds

Chai Seeds & Salmon - Anti-Inflammatory - Helping to manage inflammation while off of fish oilI use chia seeds in a variety of ways. Sometimes I’ll just add them to my water or juice, I’ll add them to a smoothie I’m making or I can even make chia pudding that I’ll eat for breakfast or a snack!

“Chia seeds are the richest plant-based source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3 fatty acids are known for their strong anti-inflammatory properties, and a number of studies have found that an increased intake of omega-3 fats can reduce joint pain and inflammation, as well as joint stiffness in people with rheumatoid arthritis. And the great thing about chia seeds is that, unlike flaxseed, they don’t need to be ground in order for you to benefit from their omega-3 content. Chia has a soft seed coat, which makes its health promoting fatty acids bioavailable even without grinding.” (Heal With Food, Chia Seeds for Joint Pain and Inflammation Associated With Arthritis)
“Chia is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, even more so than flax seeds. And it has another advantage over flax: chia is so rich in antioxidants that the seeds don’t deteriorate and can be stored for long periods without becoming rancid. And, unlike flax, they do not have to be ground to make their nutrients available to the body. Chia seeds also provide fiber (25 grams give you 6.9 grams of fiber) as well as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, molybdenum, niacin, and zinc.Another advantage: when added to water and allowed to sit for 30 minutes, chia forms a gel. Researchers suggest that this reaction also takes place in the stomach, slowing the process by which digestive enzymes break down carbohydrates and convert them into sugar.” (Dr. Weil, Chia Seeds For Health)

“Can eating chia seeds help you detoxify the body? Absolutely! Similar to psyllium, but less harsh, the swelling action of Chia seeds help to cleanse and soothe the colon; absorb toxins – while lubricating and strengthening the peristaltic action of the intestines.

Chia seeds are also a great source of antioxidants. In fact, the high amount of antioxidants in chia seeds keep the oil in the seed from going rancid – which makes this food perfect for long-term storage.” (Natural Health 365, Chia Seed Recipes For Energy And Detoxification)


Chai Seeds & Salmon - Anti-Inflammatory - Helping to manage inflammation while off of fish oilI’ve been eating the salmon for breakfast with some fruit, eggs & kale or nori (seaweed – added bonuses for sea veggies!) and I’ve been putting chia seeds in my water or juice in the morning.

“The protective role of fish against heart disease and cancer may be attributed to the type of oil found in certain species of cold water fish, especially Alaska salmon. These fish oils, referred to as “Omega-3”, are polyunsaturated. Their chemical structure and metabolic function are quite different from the polyunsaturated oils found in vegetable oils, known as “Omega-6”.

The type of dietary fat (monounsaturated, saturated, or polyunsaturated) we consume alters the production of a group of biological compounds known as eicosanoids(prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes). These eicosanoids have biological influences on blood pressure, blood clotting, inflammation, immune function, and coronary spasms. In the case of Omega-3 oils, a series of eicosanoids are produced, which may result in a decreased risk of heart disease, inflammatory processes, and certain cancers.

Omega-3 oils also exert additional protective effects against coronary heart disease by:

  • decreasing blood lipids (cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins or LDL, and triglycerides)
  • decreasing blood clotting factors in the vascular system
  • increasing relaxation in larger arteries and other blood vessels
  • decreasing inflammatory processes in blood vessels

Additional studies have provided exciting news about the benefits of Omega-3 oils for individuals with arthritis, psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, lupus erythematosus, asthma, and certain cancers. Research studies have consistently shown that Omega-3 fatty acids delay tumor appearance, and decrease the growth, size, and number of tumors.” (Wild for Salmon, Health Benefits)

Note, make sure to get WILD, PACIFIC CAUGHT SALMON. Otherwise, you’ll just be picking up toxins and not be receiving any of the health benefits!
“Despite my enthusiasm for fish, I have two serious concerns about recommending that people eat more of it. The first is its content of environmental toxins, the result of pollution of lakes, rivers and oceans. The second is the possibility of losing fish as a natural resource by overfishing those same bodies of water. Take salmon as an example. Almost all of the salmon served today is farmed (“Atlantic salmon”). Farmed salmon has less flavor, less protein, and more fat than wild salmon, and its high ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids may not be as favorable. It likely also contains residues of pesticides, antibiotics and other drugs used to control diseases that occur when fish are crowded together in the pens of fish farms. Those diseases may escape and decimate wild populations of salmon. Most people assume that fish farming is a way of protecting an endangered resource. Few know that it decimates the environment and that it takes several pounds of feed fish to produce one pound of salmon. The net result of salmon farming is greatly accelerated depletion of the numbers of fish in the oceans. If you can get wild Alaskan salmon, use it for the salmon recipes found on this Web site. Wild salmon tastes better and is more nutritious, and eating it does not have the environmental impact of eating farmed salmon, nor the health risks associated with consuming the residue of carcinogens that recent studies found can accumulate in the fat of farmed salmon at unhealthy levels.” (Dr. Weil, Facts About Fish)
“So how can you tell whether a salmon is wild or farm-raised? The flesh of wild sockeye salmon is bright red, courtesy of its natural astaxanthin content. It’s also very lean, so the fat marks, those white stripes you see in the meat, are very thin. If the fish is pale pink with wide fat marks, the salmon is farmed. Avoid Atlantic salmon, as typically salmon labeled “Atlantic Salmon” currently comes from fish farms. The two designations you want to look for are: “Alaskan salmon,” and “sockeye salmon,” as Alaskan sockeye is not allowed to be farmed. So canned salmon labeled “Alaskan Salmon” is a good bet, and if you find sockeye salmon, it’s bound to be wild. Again, you can tell sockeye salmon from other salmon by its color; its flesh is bright red opposed to pink, courtesy of its superior astaxanthin content. Sockeye salmon actually has one of the highest concentrations of astaxanthin of any food.” (Dr. Mercola, Wild Alaskan Salmon is a Powerhouse of Nutrition that May Help You Live Longer)

Within a half hour I truly feel better. Yes, it can work that quickly! (my one friend didn’t believe it could work that quickly).

Food can either be a powerful medicine or a horrible poison to your system.

Sure, mentally pancakes or waffles are more delicious for breakfast, but starting your day with some powerful omega 3 foods will get your body working, make sure you’re keeping a balance of your omega 3s and 6s and help protect you for the rest of the day!

Here is a slideshow from Healthline that shows some other great sources of Omega 3’s! (I would just like to note that the ‘soy products’ listed here should more explicitly state NON-GMO & NON-PROCESSED forms of soy. Which, if you’re buying soy burgers or really anything made from soy, would be found under this category. I think people should avoid soy at all costs.)
Since I’ve been home I was able to start back on my fish oil. I still have kept up eating many anti-inflammatory foods since I still am off humira. I’ve really been doing well! Making the right food choices can truly make all the difference.
Wishing You A Pain Free Day!
 Julie Cerrone - juliecerrone.com - Certified Spoonie Holistic Health Coach - itsjustabadday.com
Want to know more about making dietary and lifestyle changes to help manage your symptoms and inflammation? Contact me today and I’d love to help you!!

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