Yoga Teaches Us That We Are NOT Defined By A Diagnosis

I’m absolutely LOVING LOVING LOVINNNGGGGG my yoga teacher training. There’s sooooooooo much to learn. Seriously, so much more than I ever thought. While reading about the Yamas, which are universal codes of ethics -much like the 10 commandments, I came across so many quotes that I loved loved loved! Of course, I knew I had to share them with you! This may get a tad bit esoteric for you, but bear with me 😉

"We know that Yoga means relationship, and Yama is the relationship that we have to everything in the world. Our relationship to the world is a mirror of our relationships to ourselves." Dani McGuire, Elephant Journal
“We know that Yoga means relationship, and Yama is the relationship that we have to everything in the world. Our relationship to the world is a mirror of our relationships to ourselves.” Dani McGuire, Elephant Journal

The first Yama is Ahimsa, which can be translated into non-violence or approaching all things with love. Ahimsa can be practiced towards animals, towards ourselves, towards others, really towards everything and anything in life! I especially was interested in the principles of practicing ahimsa towards ourselves.

Though the body is subject to sickness, age, decay and death, the spirit remains unaffected.” B.K.S. Iyengar, Light on yoga

This quote really shines a light right on all my chronically fabulous friends. I truly believe we’re spiritual beings living a human existence. Our spirit is truly the core of who we are. Sure, we each have a body which we go through life with, but anything that goes on to or within our body technically isn’t our true self.

Therefore, we truly shouldn’t be defined by our diagnosis because the sickness isn’t US!

Everything our bodies are subjected to are learning experiences for us to draw upon! If we look at our health problems in this way, it can allow us to take a step back and to try to allow ourselves not to be defined by our afflictions. Life truly is about how you react to certain situations. How we react to sickness, age, decay and death is dependent on our spirit or our true selves. Not, our bodies!

Heather Waxman has some wonderful videos on youtube that I love to watch. She has 3 videos on ‘The Truth about Your Body’ that are definitely worth your time to watch. In her Part 1 video, Heather talks about our body in terms of what the Course of Miracles outlines. Her videos are focused more on body image than chronic illness, but the principle is still the same! There are so many things to focus in on, but I just want to take one thing…

“Only the mind can set a purpose and only the mind can see the means for it’s accomplishment and justify it’s use.” A Course In Miracles

Yoga Teaches Us That We Are Not Defined By Our Diagnosis | Spoonie Health Coach | chronic life, spoonie life, autoimmune, chronic illnessIn this video Heather says, “The body is neutral because only my mind can choose a purpose for my body.” She goes on to explain how the means by accomplishing your life’s goals or purposes is by staying in contact with your inner soul sister (or your true self!!). She goes on to talk about how if you really want to get in shape for bikini season you need to work out your mental health first. The same goes for chronic illness! If you want to be healthy, if you want to have the energy to accomplish your goals and the drive to get to the finish line, you need to look deep inside yourself and realize that no matter what is going on in your body, YOU are still YOU. You are still amazing. You are still worthy of an awesome life.

Way to esoteric for you? Then just remember this.

The bottom line is, don’t let your physical body govern how you define yourself.

The true YOU is deep inside. The true YOU isn’t defined by chronic illness. The true YOU realizes that your chronic illness is there to teach you valuable lessons and it’s up to you to learn from them.

I’d love to know your thoughts! Leave your comments below 🙂

Wishing You A Pain Free Day!



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