Chew On This – Delicious Lunch Alert!! Mango Avocado Turkey Sandwich

      This. Lunch. Was. DELICIOUS! Annnnnnd the best part – it’s super EASY! Delicious AND Easy?! Yesssssssssssssssssssssss. I’ve found a new love in sprouted bread. It’s probably because I can’t have the crusty, fluffy, delicious italian bread haha! Either way, I’m glad I like it. Pair this sandwich with apple or pear slices …

Mind.Body.Music – “Cause no matter what you’ll never be alone”

I’ve found that when going through a difficult time – whether it be a bad situation at work, dealing with health issues for yourself or a loved one or just having a bad day – we revert to the ‘no one understands what I’m going through’ mentality. While we all can’t completely understand the struggles …

November is National Blog Posting Month #NaBloPoMo

I will be participating in my first ever #NaBloPoMo! Have no idea what I’m talking about? (Yeah I didn’t either until I got into the world of blogging!) It’s a month long commitment to posting on your blog daily! While I was thinking ‘wow that’s crazy ambitious’ Blogher (who’s putting on a challenge and giving …

A Very Merry Hospital Stay Part 2 :)

I actually ended up getting a little more sleep since I was hopped up on pain meds in the hospital! (Read about why I was there here) Next morning the orthopedic surgeon came in to check out my knee. Everyone’s reaction to my knee was “woaahhhh”. It was still incredibly swollen. My cultures had come …

Mind.Body.Music. – The Most Relaxing Song EVER!

Stressful work week? Too much homework at school? In the midst of a flare that’s frustrating the crap out of you?   Relax with the scientifically proven most relaxing song ever “Weightless” by Marconi Union. This song relaxes your nervous system and has a profound calming effect. The article I read says you should listen to …

Happy Halloween – Chew On This Delicious Mug Muffin

  Happy Halloween! When I think of Halloween I think of crazy, elaborate costumes when I was young, stressing out about what to be when I was older and my late Great Aunt’s Birthday! This year my Halloween is quite low key. No costume. No Halloween parties. No eating candy. How much fun is that? …

Chew On This!

New to the It’s Just A Bad Day blog is the ‘Chew On This!’ series! In this series I’ll review anti-inflammatory recipes that I’ve tried or perhaps made up! Starting this lifestyle really feels like starting a whole new adventure – and why wouldn’t you want to come along! Starting an anti-inflammatory diet is very …