“Are You Back To Work Yet?” – My Job While On Long Term Disability

Are you still on disability? Are you back to work yet? – I get this question so many times during a week it makes my head spin. No. I’m not back to my IT consulting job. But I do have a job. An extremely important job. Probably the most important job I could ever have. …

Pittsburgh Walk to Cure Arthritis

  Tomorrow is the last day of arthritis month and the Pittsburgh Walk to Cure Arthritis will be held to celebrate. Online sign ups end today, but you can always sign up on the spot tomorrow! I’ll be working registration so I can hook you up 😉 (haha along with all the other volunteers there)   This …

LifeForce Therapy

  The first time I heard of the treatment I thought ummmmmm… Ooookkk?   But before you judge, let me explain.   LifeForce therapy uses a combination of light, music and vibration therapy. The first time I heard about it I wasn’t really sold. I’ll be honest – I thought it was kinda hocus pocus. The …

It’s An Exciting Day!!!!!!

Today is a really exciting day in my  world!   Today kicks off an awesome 2 day online conference for autoimmune arthritis and my new site is live! Of course for my launch I had to wear my curearthritis.com shirt.   My site now features new pages which I’ve accumulated a lot of information for. Now there …

Autoimmune Arthritis Problems: ‘Normal Person’ Sick

You may have noticed I’ve been pretty absent for the last 2 weeks…. I’ve been wondering when I was going to experience getting ‘normal person’ sick while being on humira. Last year I spent most of my time secluded and not around a lot of germs soooooo I was able to stay ‘healthy’. I started …

Acupuncture for Pain Management {Part 2}

Acupuncture is a wonderful treatment for pain management. Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the knee and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) are extremely painful on their own, let alone combined! My knee was finally settling down and the complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) was pretty much gone. The AVN specialist that I was seeing at the time said …

Ween off Pain Meds… um say what? – Treatment: Acupuncture for AVN & PSA Pain Part 1

    During the follow up to my June nerve block my pain doctor said that I needed to start weening myself off the meds. I had been on them for the past year soooooo I.was.scared! My pain had progressively been getting better, but it was still there. Avascular necrosis causes pain and burning sensations …

‘Walk In Your Next Appointment Without Crutches’

    From December 2012 to April 2013 I wasn’t allowed to put any weight on my knee. After a trip to the AVN specialist he challenged me to start putting weight on my leg and the next time I saw him (which would be in June) to walk into the appointment without the crutches. …

Medications – Humira for Psoriatic Arthritis

  At the beginning of 2013 I would get blood work done monthly and report back to my rheumatologist. I was doing well, but we had decided that we were going to attack my psoriatic arthritis aggressively. My knee swelling definitely had gone down, but it still wasn’t anyway close to normal … aaaaaannnndddd I …