A few years back, I used to attend a support group every Tuesday morning. It was a wonderful group of ladies who would meet and talk about simple ways to add positivity into our lives. We were from all walks of life, going through very different situations – yet all could relate so well to each other. It really was such an uplifting, feel good part of my week! I was very sad when it was over. (And that group was definitely the driving force for me wanting to start a health coaching group!!!)

I specifically remember one morning being really down in the dumps before our group met. My ex was working on the other side of the world, so we’d talk in the mornings and the conversation didn’t go the way I would have liked. By the time we hung up, I was feeling very upset and extremely unsupported. I wanted to just dwell on the negativity of the situation and shut out the rest of my life. I started blaming my pain and my conditions, dwelling on what I couldn’t do anymore and wishing that my situation was different. I thought about canceling the rest of my plans for the day so I could just sulk in bed. But, something told me I really should go to group. So, I picked myself up, got dressed and made myself go.

Normally I would walk into my group so excited to meet with the ladies, but that day I wasn’t happy at all. I couldn’t help but be distracted by what had happened earlier – I was dwelling on the negative FaceTime call and all the million other things that my mind was bringing up that could be related SOMEHOW to what had happened.

I’m sure you can all relate to this story in some way. It’s all too common. We all have days like it!

I was so thankful for my group that day because we did an exercise that helped me turn my day around. We took a piece of paper and wrote down all the things that we do that can make us happy or put us in a good mood. The thought was to have a list that we could turn to when we were having a bad day.

Here was my list:

Miracle Monday Exercise - What Makes You Happy? Take time to create a list of things that you do that can make you smile and focus on the positives!


And guess what? This exercise seriously helped me so much because I realized I didn’t have to spend the rest of my day dwelling on one bad call!! I could refocus my sights on something that I knew would make me happy and could help lift my spirits.

So I went home, pulled out my card making supplies, turned on a Celine Dion (sprinkled with some christmas tunes) playlist and called my Grandma! 🙂 Card making is such a meditative activity for me because it allows me to focus my thoughts on creating something and allows me to forget about my pain, my situation and everything else going on.

I remember getting a lot of work done that day – I was actually gearing up for a craft show that was in another week or two later.

Had I not pushed myself to go to my group, I more than likely would have just laid in bed, sulking, wishing my life was completely different. BUT, I had the opportunity to change my perspective and ended up changing my whole day.

So here’s my #MiracleMonday exercise for you today!

Take some time and create a list of things that make you happy. Use my list to start brainstorming, but add specifics from your life! Do you like to knit? Or maybe you like to run or read? It seems like a silly exercise, but in the heat of the moment it’s nice to have something that can help redirect your negative thoughts and energy. Then, when you’re having a bad day, pull out your list and do something from it that will put a smile on your face! 🙂

Try it! What’s the worst that can happen? You do something that you love :p

Wishing You A Pain Free Day!

Julie Cerrone | Spoonie, Autoimmune Warrior, Certified Holistic Health Coach, DoTerra Wellness Advocate, 200 RYT Trainee, Reiki 1, Nutrition Geek, ePatient Advocate, IT Consultant, Pittsburgh Based Practitioner Living the Chronic Life






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