Ask Juls: GMOs | Do you know what genetically modified foods are? This video dives into what they are and how you can start to avoid them! |

Ask Juls – Can You Explain Why GMOs Are Bad?

I talk a lot about GMOs, but do you know what a GMO is? Today’s Ask Juls video tackles the subject! GMO Video Tips: 1. Look For Organic produce and packaged foods. NOT Conventional. You want to make sure there are no pesticides or worse, genetically modified molecules contained in your food! 2. Avoid processed foods …

Is our food making us sick? Are genetically modified foods the reason for so many different food allergies & chronic conditions? | Certified Spoonie Holistic Health Coach

“Are we allergic to food or what’s been done to it?”

As a health coach aka super health nerd, who is constantly watching videos and reading health and nutrition articles, I feel like it’s my duty to make you aware of really good videos that you should watch. This Tedx talk is one that I think everyone should watch. Parents of children with food allergies, people …

Eat This! It’s Full of Vitamin D! #WellnessWednesday

I was sitting in my kitchen watching my brother chow down on Kellogg’s Cinnabon cereal and I started questioning the “Good source of vitamin D” claim the box was making. Did you know that if you live in the USA and live above Georgia, you’re more than likely Vitamin D deficient. It’s estimated something like ¾ …

Natural Peanut Butter, Is It ‘Natural’? #WellnessWednesday

When you have a chronic condition, it’s extremely important that you feed your body the right fuel that it needs. When you add in extra toxins, it makes an already compromised environment even more compromised! So, natural peanut butter… it has to be healthy, right? I mean it says ‘Natural’. It has to be all …

Some Crazy Science Stuff . . .

[su_quote cite=”New Study Shows Biological Differences In People With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” url=””]“Every time you have a thought, you have a biochemical reaction — and those biochemical reactions also interact with your immune system,” she says. There are studies, too, that show immune system changes with exercise, meditation, sleep, and even with the micro biome: “Understanding these interactions …

2 Tools To Remind Ourselves We’re All The Same

[su_quote cite=”Gary Zukav”]”When you choose the energy of your soul — creating with the intentions of love, forgiveness, humbleness and clarity — you gain power. When you choose to learn through wisdom, you gain power. When you choose to create with the energy of your personality — with anger, jealousy, or fear — you lose …


Last week I had the amazing opportunity to attend a social media summit sponsored by Celgene. They so graciously invested in me, to help build up my medical knowledge around psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and even had one of the co-founders of blogHer give a presentation on increasing social media presence. As many of you …