Pregnancy and Deployment_ Pregnancy & Deployment_ 4 Tips for Staying Mentally Strong _ Autoimmune Arthritis, Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, military spouse, army wife, deployment baby

Pregnancy & Deployment: 4 Tips for Staying Mentally Strong

I found out I was pregnant a week-and-a-half after my husband left for a year-long Army deployment. Up until that point, I was sad that he’d be gone for a whole year, but I never thought I’d be dealing with such an emotional situation while he was gone! It took me more than a month …

I’m Pregnant!

This summer I’ve been really quiet on social media. It started off with an awesome family vacation, followed by my boyfriend leaving for a year-long deployment, followed by weeks of not feeling well. Josh left on July 7th and that weekend I just crashed in bed. I had been traveling for almost a month straight …