Psoriatic Arthritis Patients Count! Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA): Get the Facts Be Counted Initiative! | Spoon & Autoimmune Warrior Certified Holistic Health Coach Julie Cerrone

Psoriatic Arthritis Patient, Be Counted!

If you’re a psoriatic arthritis patient, you already know how unfamiliar people are with the disease. I mean, I’m pretty sure there are people in my life who still don’t understand what it is. There are more than a million people in the USA alone diagnosed with the disease, but who knows how many others …

Illness is Tough not only on YOU, but your loved ones

I felt like I just kept sinking and sinking deeper into a black hole and was slowly finding it hard to see the light at the top. (Catch up on why here) Think about it… if you are in constant pain, you can’t do what you used to do, all of your friends are doing …

What Is Your Body Telling You?

Catch up with the previous post here! What Is Your Body Telling You? Fast forward 9 months. Winter 2010. A lot had changed. I mean, I made some huge drastic changes in my life. After realizing emotionally I had been over my long term relationship we broke it off. Wasn’t the easiest break-up as we …

Sciatica? Psoriatic Arthritis Flare Up in My SI Joint??

Just jumping in? Click here to read the previous post. In 2008 I graduated from West Virginia University and began working at Deloitte as an IT Consultant. My first project was in Austin, TX. After it was cut short I was sent to work in Pittsburgh, PA. During this time you could say I was …

The Beginning

Before I get into my post I just want to shout from the roof tops THANK YOU! Thank you for your touching words, thank you for your support and thank you for your love! To follow my future posts easily remember you can follow my Facebook page, my twitter page or go to the bottom …