A Dead What?

Catch up on the story here. Christmas time is my favorite, favorite, FAVORITE! The lights. The music. The spirit. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I just love it. When I went to get a bone scan of my knee and the technician gasped saying that I lit up like a christmas tree I was happy with the reference, but …

“My Aching Bones” – New Paper.li Page!

      I’m excited to announce my new weekly paper “My Aching Bones”. It will focus on Avascular Necrosis (AVN) / Osteonecrosis (ON) articles along with knee, hip, shoulder, pain management, natural health alternatives and alternative treatment articles. If you find any sources that you’d like to suggest for the paper please send them …

What Is Your Body Telling You?

Catch up with the previous post here! What Is Your Body Telling You? Fast forward 9 months. Winter 2010. A lot had changed. I mean, I made some huge drastic changes in my life. After realizing emotionally I had been over my long term relationship we broke it off. Wasn’t the easiest break-up as we …

Sciatica? Psoriatic Arthritis Flare Up in My SI Joint??

Just jumping in? Click here to read the previous post. In 2008 I graduated from West Virginia University and began working at Deloitte as an IT Consultant. My first project was in Austin, TX. After it was cut short I was sent to work in Pittsburgh, PA. During this time you could say I was …

New Year, New Goals! Using Yoga As My ‘Tool’

I received many amazing presents for my birthday this year! I love them and can’t wait to use or wear all of them! There seemed to be a certain element which everyone touched upon during my birthday… my birthday ‘theme’, if you will. YOGA! New yoga block. New yoga strap – which is also a …