Regenexx AVN Procedure

Having Avascular Necrosis (AVN) is extremely difficult because there is no sure fire way to address the issue. Every case is so individualized and really depends on so many different factors. I tried many different therapies, but found my ultimate fix with Centeno Schultz’s Regenexx Procedure.

Traveling out to Colorado in March 2015, I had the Regenexx Stem Cell procedure done on my left leg to help regenerate my femur bone in my knee joint. I had spent the previous 3 years on crutches. Doctor after doctor told me they had no solution for me, that I should just wait until my knee completely crumbled and then have a knee replacement in about 10 years. That is NOT the answer I wanted, therefore I kept searching until I found the solution I felt confident in.

I’ve been chronicling my Regenexx journey since I first found the procedure. Please use the links below to learn more about the procedure and follow my journey to complete recovery!

NOTE: I did travel out to Colorado to have my procedure done, but originally went to Pittsburgh’s Rehabilitation And Pain Specialists. At that time, they did not perform the bone procedure I needed. Since then, they’ve skillfully mastered the procedure and now complete it for local Pittsburghers. If you live in Pittsburgh, PA I HIGHLY recommend them. I’ve since had a platelets treatment with them and have witnessed them operating under the same high standards as their parent clinic in Colorado. CHECK THEM OUT!

Regenexx Procedure Posts:

Want to know how I found the procedure? There’s a post for that 😉

Wondering how I felt headed into the procedure? Here’s what I was thinking…

DAY 1: Did you miss my previous post about my prolotherapy injections? Catch up here!

DAY 2 & 3: Want to know more about when I had my blood drawn for my injections? Read this one!

DAY 4 – 7: Interested in how the procedure went? Click here!

Want to read about the last day of the whole process and my journey home? This is the post for you!

Monthly + Yearly Recovery Posts:

Month 1: 5 tips from my post 1 month Regenexx recovery right here 😉

Month 2: In my 2 month follow up, I talk about 3 noticeable differences I’d identified!

Month 3: 3 month follow up and 3 things I’m grateful for.

Month 4: 4 months post Regenexx I’ve been caught saying ‘this is the first time in a long time’ A LOT!

Month 5: 10 NEW things I did 5 months post Regenexx!!

Month 6 & 7: MRI update on how things are regenerating and how I’m doing without my biologic Humira

Month 8 & 9: Spent 3 Christmases on crutches and it feels DAMN GOOD to be crutchless this year!

Special Update: Regenexx produced video and my 2015 Christmas wish!

Month 10 & 11: Back to living a normal life & celebrating things I haven’t done in YEARS!

One Year: One year celebration and update on getting a platelets treatment for a different problem!

One Year + 6 Months: I traveled to the NIH to speak at an FDA hearing regarding regulations and guidelines on stem cells. Watch my testimony!

One Year: One year celebration and update on getting a platelets treatment for a different problem!

One Year + 6 Months: I traveled to the NIH to speak at an FDA hearing regarding regulations and guidelines on stem cells. Watch my testimony!

Two Years: Celebrating 2 years of a mobile and pain-free life – Watch my video update!

Three Years: This update might have been super late (it’s more like my 3.5 year update), but it’s because I’ve been LIVING MY LIFE!

Four Years: It’s getting hard to make these updates because I’m doing SO well and have nothing to update on

Five Years: Hear testimonials from my sister and my parents on how Regenexx impacted our whole family

Six Years: Life definitely got in the way and I COMPLETELY FORGOT to create an update. Spoiler: I’m doing great 🙂 

Seven Years: Check out these two Instagram Reels to see how I’m doing – 1) Seven years of gratefulness  2) Things I never thought I’d be able to do after being diagnosed with avascular necrosis 

Procedure Videos:

My Christmas Wish: I want to walk without crutches!

Her Christmas wish was to get off crutches. Since 2012 Blogger/Yoga Instructor/Activist Julie Cerrone has been sentenced to crutches. This Christmas is going to be different. Julie shares her journey that defied traditional medicine and gave her the amazing gift of walking without crutches this Christmas.

Be forewarned . . . if you get queasy easily, don’t watch these videos! My Mom is an excellent documenter of things and videoed the whole trip.

Video 1: Bone Marrow Draw

Here is the bone marrow draw. It actually didn’t hurt like I thought it would. The meds DEFINITELY HELPED

Video 2: PRP Injection Post Stem Cell Reinsertion


