BB Military Wife Life: Spotlight with Julie Croner

Military wife life can be hard.

And my friend Brook knows that just as well as I do. She’s doing some pretty kick-ass things and recently interviewed me on her blog!

We talked about:

  • The most stressful times during deployments
  • How my health (aka psoriatic arthritis) plays into deployments
  • Being pregnant while having a deployed hubby
  • How deployments affect and change your life
  • The positives of deployments (Besides having a badass hubby)
  • How to cope during deployments
  • How being a military wife makes you stronger

And more!

I’d love for you to click the link below to be taken to the post.

And you should DEFINITELY learn more about the studs she’s making out of military and essential worker uniforms. They’re adorable (I have a pair and got my sister n law a pair too!). And you should get a pair too!

Click here to be taken to BBMilitaryWifeLife: Julie Croner Spotlight

Wishing You A Pain Free Day!

Julie Croner, Certified Holistic Health Coach, Yoga Instructor, Patient Empowerer, Autoimmune Warrior (Psoriatic Arthritis), Avascular Necrosis, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome |

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