5 Year Regenexx Stem Cell Procedure Update

To catch up on my whole Avascular Necrosis + Regenexx journey, click here and peruse all of the posts.

I’ve been blogging my entire journey in hopes that it will help others make informed decisions about their AVN treatment. I searched for answers and was on crutches for 3.5 years before I found the solution to my avascular necrosis. My hope is that you don’t have to go through the same pain and agony I did. You’re NOT alone and there ARE options out there.

5 Years. FIVE YEARS. Holy crap.

I can’t believe it’s been 5 years since I went out to Colorado to have my Regenexx stem cell procedure on my knee.

In a lot of ways, it seems like 15 years and in other ways, it seems like 5 months.

In the last 5 years I:

  • Got off my crutches
  • I stopped prescription opioids I was taking round the clock for chronic pain
  • (At my last MRI – 6 months post-Regenexx) My femur bone regenerated 60%, solidified and no longer causes me pain
  • Became a certified yoga instructor and taught weekly classes (I have temporarily stopped since having my daughter)
  • I was able to get back to the workforce and have worked my way up to VP of a company that I’m so proud to be associated with
  • I WALKED down the aisle at my wedding (Something I wasn’t sure I’d be able to do). I bawled, but I walked down the aisle with my Dad to marry my husband
  • Gained 30 pounds during my 1st pregnancy and didn’t have any knee issues
  • Got back to LIVING MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!

Take a few moments and watch my 5-year update below.

I have surprise guests in this video update! My sister gives a testimonial on her thoughts about the Regenexx procedure at 6:10 and my parents shed light into how this not only gave MY life back to me but THEIR lives back to them at 7:39.

My top takeaways from this video:

  1. I’m doing fantastic. No pain. No issues. NOTHING! I’m living my life
  2. My sister made me cry with her testimonial. I knew how much it impacted my parents, but to hear straight from her her feelings – it really hit my heart. Chronic pain affects EVERYONE and EVERYTHING in your life. (Watch starting at 6:10)
  3. I thank God not only for Regenexx, but for having supportive parents like the ones I have. My mom and dad were originally going to film videos separately, but my mom said she couldn’t do it without crying. They were by my side every step of this journey. My successes are their successes. And this 5 year anniversary is just as much a celebration to them as it is to me. (Watch starting at 7:39)
  4. I’m so grateful and appreciative for the Regenexx procedure, the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, Dr. Pitts and all of the Regenexx doctors across the country. I truly would recommend this procedure to anyone and everyone considering it. It changed my life. It gave me my life back!

Also – in 5 years, I’m sure I have gained weight but I would just like to say that I’m currently PREGNANT! So, yes I gained weight, but it’s because I’m growing a baby 😉

After my parents filmed their video, my mom texted me this:

“I’ve been holding back all day just thinking how many times I would pray – pray in the morning leaving for work and seeing you in that bed- at the end of the day laying in my bed praying for someone to give us direction! Dr. Pitts has “saved US” and I say “US” because we were all being pulled under watching you go thru the excruciating pain and depression of it all. They are, in my eyes, real life superheroes”

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Sending you all light and love for whatever challenge you’re trying to rise above. I know for the longest time I didn’t think I’d rise above avascular necrosis pain, but I did. And I’m here 5 years later to tell you YOU CAN TO.

Don’t ever give up. Don’t take mediocre medical advice. If you’re not happy with your current course of treatment – never stop looking! And I 100%, wholeheartedly would suggest at least going to meet with one of the Regenexx doctors.

Like I’ve said in my other videos – health is wealth.

NEVER give up until you’re living the life you deserve.

Wishing you a pain free day,

Julie Cerrone Croner, Certified Holistic Health Coach, Yoga Instructor, Patient Empowerer, Autoimmune Warrior (Psoriatic Arthritis), Avascular Necrosis, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome | itsjustabadday.com


Want to know how I found the procedure? There’s a post for that 😉

Day 1: Did you miss my previous post about my prolotherapy injections? Catch up here!

Day 2 & 3: Want to know more about when I had my blood drawn for my injections? Read this one!

Day 4 – 7: Interested in how the procedure went? Click here!

Day 8: Want to read about the last day of the whole process and my journey home? This is the post for you!

Recovery Posts:

Month 1: 5 tips from my post 1 month Regenexx recovery right here 😉

Month 2: In my 2 month follow up, I talk about 3 noticeable differences I’d identified!

Month 3: 3 month follow up and 3 things I’m grateful for.

Month 4: 4 months post Regenexx I’ve been caught saying ‘this is the first time in a long time’ A LOT!

Month 5: 10 NEW things I did 5 months post Regenexx!!

Month 6 & 7: MRI update on how things are regenerating and how I’m doing without my biologic Humira

Month 8 & 9: Spent 3 Christmases on crutches and it feels DAMN GOOD to be crutchless this year!

Month 10 & 11: Back to living a normal life & celebrating things I haven’t done in YEARS!

One Year: One year celebration and update on getting a platelets treatment for a different problem!

One Year + 6 Months: I traveled to the NIH to speak at an FDA hearing regarding regulations and guidelines on stem cells. Watch my testimony!

Two Years: Celebrating 2 years of a mobile and pain-free life!

Three Years: This update might have been super late (it’s more like my 3.5 year update), but it’s because I’ve been LIVING MY LIFE!

Four Years: It’s getting hard to make these updates because I’m doing SO well and have nothing to update on

Five Years: Hear testimonials from my sister and my parents on how Regenexx impacted our whole family

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