Treatments: Lovenox Update

December, January and February I injected 40mg of lovenox in the morning and 60mg of lovenox in the evening in hopes that it would start to help my avascular necrosis (AVN). The hope was that the blood thinner would get my blood flowing into my femur and that the parts of my bone, which weren’t completely dead, would be revived.

My MRI at the end of March showed MUCH improvement (part of my AVN didn’t even SHOW UP!!!!!!!!!) so we decided to keep attacking it aggressively and to start another 3 months of lovenox injections. I started my second round of Lovenox injections last month and have been seeing a bit of difference this go around.


Especially on Mondays when I also have my Humira injections.

Last time,

I had minimal bruising with only small marks at the injection site.

This time,

I’m seeing a lot more bruising and I’ve also developed some hematomas.


I’m still getting my blood tests every 3 weeks and all the tests have been coming back fine. My doctor told me to keep an eye on it and if it continues, or gets worse, he’ll switch me to something different.

If you go out on google (or even instagram or twitter) you’ll see pictures of people who have ridiculously, big bruises. I hope those patients are following up with their doctors! I know that with an anti-coagulant you bruise more (which I most definitely have been… yoga looks like it’s beating me up haha!), but when your whole stomach is black and blue- that doesn’t seem right.

Other than the bruising, and hard spots on my tummy, it’s been basically the same experience. I’m taking 40mg in the morning and 60mg in the evening. It’s always a sad feeling when you receive a huge box, full of 180 injections, from the fedx man. Oh well, like I’ve said before. If it works, I’ll do it! I saw some real results on my MRI last time I did the injections, so I’ll take the 2 pricks everyday over a major joint replacement surgery. BUT there was a silver lining to the boxes on boxes of injections…  I also received 6 bags of delicious, EnjoyLife chocolate! Yummmmmmmmmmm

I have to tell you, the thing that bums me out the most is an egotistical fact of the situation. It’s summertime and I don’t really want to have all these bruises on my stomach! haha #spoonieProblems

Wishing You A Pain Free Day!



  1. My fiance is a 25 year old male that was diagnosed with avn of both hips about 2 and a half years ago. Within those two years he was diagnosed with avn in both his shoulders and now in his knees as well. He has had both hips replaced, the left one in november and the right one about 6 weeks ago. We have been to the mayo clinic in minnesota as well as countless doctors and specialists. No one could figure out why this has been happening to him. We are going to see Dr. Glueck this coming tuesday, he doesnt want to get his hopes up, but i am glad to see a doctor that actually specializes in AVN and not just an orthopedic surgeon that want to replace his affected joints. I actually found out about Dr. Glueck from your blog, google searching anything i can find about avn one late night.
    I have been reading your experience with avn and i know you have had some positive results. I look forward to reading your blog and your journey to health.

    • Just A Bad Day~Juls

      Oh my gosh I’m going to start praying right now for him! I don’t want to get your hopes up either, but there’s no way that his AVN can’t be blood or systematic related. To have it so many places there is definitely a root cause. I feel for him – to have it in one knee is so very painful, I can’t even imagine what he’s going through. He must be one tough cookie! On Facebook I’m the admin of an AVN support group (the link is under my AVN page on here). Tell him to check it out – he may get some good advice and if nothing else he can feel support from others going through the same thing. Please keep me updated- email me after his appointment! I’m so curious now. I’ll be praying!!!

    • Just A Bad Day~Juls

      And you’re 1000000% right about a doctor who specializes in AVN. Most orthos I’ve met just dismiss it and say it’s idiopathic and to get a joint replacement or to do a core decompression. Dr. Glueck is definitely one of a kind, but he’s an amazing resource. I’m certain he’ll be able to either 1. give you answers or 2. point you in the right direction. He’s so accessible too- he answers emails all the time. I know this past Ortho’s convention Dr. Glueck went to give a presentation to the doctors about his findings. I realllllly hope that ortho doctors start recognizing there’s a root problem that causes AVN. I mean, bones just don’t die for NO REASON? Right? Good luck!!

  2. Just A Bad Day~Juls

    Oh my gosh I’m going to start praying right now for him! I don’t want to get your hopes up either, but there’s no way that his AVN can’t be blood or systematic related. To have it so many places there is definitely a root cause. I feel for him – to have it in one knee is so very painful, I can’t even imagine what he’s going through. He must be one tough cookie! On Facebook I’m the admin of an AVN support group (the link is under my AVN page on here). Tell him to check it out – he may get some good advice and if nothing else he can feel support from others going through the same thing. Please keep me updated- email me after his appointment! I’m so curious now. I’ll be praying!!!

  3. Thank you so much for the kind words, we could use all the prayers we could get!
    I tried to find your email address on your site but I can’t seem to see it. I also liked your blogs’ Facebook page! (I’m Adrianna Celeste)
    I agree, there has to be a root of this problem, a few years ago he was a very active recent college graduate playing hockey almost everyday. We need answers, and I’m praying that dr glueck can help.
    I will absolutely keep you updated and let you know what the doctor says on Tuesday. We we will headed to Ohio tomorrow afternoon. Thankfully we live in Chicago and Cincinnati is only about 4.5 hours away.
    My fiancé is a little hesitant when it comes to talking to people online, so I will warm him up to the idea of sending you an email. I am so glad that I found someone young going through the same thing as he is, it makes me feel like we’re not alone in this crappy situation.
    Thank you! Talk to you soon

  4. i really hope that the lovenox helps. I have been taking 100 mg, bid, for about a year now. I started it before I had avascular necrosis. Since I’ve been on the lovenox, I’ve developed AVN, bilaterally, in my hips and shoulders. I wasn’t originally prescribed the lovenox for AVN, but when my first hip needed replacing I’d hoped it would prevent AVN from developing in my other joints. I doubt that my condition can improve, without having the high risk hip-replacements, but I wish you all the best luck.

    • I haven’t seen any other changes since my MRI in March which DID show improvement! I’m actually just switching to an oral anticoagulant and hope to be starting xalreto in the next few weeks. Have you worked with Dr. Glueck? What were you on the blood thinners for to begin with? I wonder if it’s one of the AVN causes Dr. Gluck has found to be true.

  5. Hello – I’m reecntly diagnosed with AVN in my right hip at Stage II and my left hip is starting to show signs. I’ve come across this blog while researching some treatments alternative to total hip replacement. Would anyone be will to share updates on how their treatment with Dr. Glueck has fared? Right now I am thinking at the very least I would like to get screened to see if I possibly have any of the clotting disorders he has found to be linked to AVN.

    • I can only speak for myself, but I’ve sent NUMEROUS people to him to get screened. He’ll even work with your own doctors to help you get the scripts/tests done. He really is great to work with – even does most of his stuff through email. You really don’t have anything to lose! I mentioned in my other comment, but I truly think it’s IMPERATIVE that an AVN patient figure out the underlying cause of their AVN. I’ve heard too many people say that oh it started in my hip and then I got it in my shoulder and now it’s in my ankle. And the disease doesn’t “spread”, it’s just that the root cause hasn’t been addressed, therefore it keeps happening in other parts of your body.

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